Monday, August 26, 2013

8/27 August 2013 Update: Holding Pattern

I finally had LASIK enhancement surgery on July 23, 2013 on my left eye, the same eye that had the cataract surgery and retinal detachment.  I was looking forward to getting ALL the procedures planned for this eye DONE once and for all with the first year anniversary of my entire saga looming close.  The surgery was uneventful, although my vision is still stabilizing.  I seem to gave lost some visual acuity in my distance vision, while gaining limited but improved near vision.  At least i can read and see the computer with my left eye now.  As i was told to expect, it is good but not great.

So at my final post-op appointment with Dr. Regillo of Mid Atlantic Retinal Specialists on August 13, 2013, i was glad to get the "all clear" on both eyes with respect to the health of my retinas and readiness of the right eye for cataract surgery.  I was told that chances for retinal detachment are still at 1/100 for the right eye, and that a followup appointment with them post surgery would not be a bad idea to plan for.

At my August 14, 2013 post LASIK appointment with Dr. Siepser however, i was advised not to consider the cataract surgery until my right eye had deteriorated to the point that my left eye could see better than my right and further correction with lenses was not possible nor helpful.  The doctor did not want to do the procedure, stating that with all the cataract surgeries he has performed, retinal detachment was rare, but with my history he was virtually certain i WOULD have retinal detachment if we operated on my right eye, as the 1/100 odds given by Dr. Regillo are higher than his statistical record for retinal detachments.

So what does this mean?  I am years away from my next surgery.  I am waiting on the left eye to stabilize further and will look into getting new lenses for both eyes, glasses and a contact lens to replace the battered one my right eye sees fairly well out of.  We are not rushing into the next step for sure, although i had thought that was the best course to take.  All in due time.  I can see pretty good now, considering my long saga.  I feel very blessed and lucky indeed, and happy to wait before we go under the knife again.

I will be "seeing" you around....