I had mentioned that I drive around with an eye-patch, like a pirate, argh! So here is my photo with the "pirate gear". I really need a smaller eye patch. With "one size fits all" from the pharmacy, I have to be content with covering not just my eye but also most of my face. You'd think I'd have luck finding a better eye patch at the Halloween costume shops, but the eye patches there are not any smaller, and the "sequined" ones only cover the right eye! Hopefully I never need it for the other eye....
Actually, I think I "see" to drive better without the eye patch. While the "underwater" vision from the left eye can be a tad distracting to my good right eye, on a rainy day like today, everything just seemed dimmer with only one eye working. So the eye patch came off. I am happy to be able to drive short distances, and to be able to "practice" during the day when the traffic is not bad. I truly need to work myself up to my long commute. The typical "instantaneous calculus" the brain does when fed photos by both eyes needs recalibration when pictures are only coming from one eye!
I am slowly working up to a full day of working as well. My eyes were tired after yesterday, and I had only worked a couple of hours! So I started late today and tried to concentrate on critical stuff only. I will see how I do tomorrow and what my doctor says on Thursday morning. I am planning to work full days starting on Thursday but if i am not really up to it, I will need to scale down. All in good time....
The miniscus of my gas bubble has moved even lower today. It is visible around 1/3 from the top of my field of vision when looking straight ahead. I am disappointed that my vision above the miniscus (and when I look straight up, which I am not supposed to do so much!) is blurry, I was expecting this to be crystal clear. I will have to discuss that with my retinal specialist. I am worried that my vision as the gas dissipates will not be great and that "other" enhancements may be needed for my poor eye to see better. I pray not, we shall see.... I still see relatively "better" when i look right down under the miniscus of my "underwater" bubble. This has not changed from before, I can discern things that are within a handspan away from my face in brighter light.
Healing is slow and taking its time. I will be one-eyed for a while, it seems. I am happy to SEE and very grateful that my vision was saved. It is a work in progress, I just have to be patient.
Just take care!